春假集训 — 最受欢迎的短期实用课程速递

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

New Horizons


(G3 / G4-5)

这是我们写作课程讨论的第一种写作风格。学生将围绕描述性词语以及如何扩展词汇展开。通过各种课堂练习,帮助学生在写作时学会正确使用感官性和比喻性的句子,并回答5 W H的问题(在什么地点,为什么,以及怎么办)









(G6-7 / G8-9 / G10-11)







AP美国历史 / AP英语文学强化课程



New Horizons
 is opening Spring Break Courses to help students spend quality time studying during the holidays! These short-term intensive courses include a series of different courses, which are more interesting and full of various forms.

Spring Break Course Description

Creative Writing Fundamentals 
(G3 / G4-5)

Descriptive Writing

This is the first style of writing we discuss and is an opportunity for the students to expand their vocabulary around descriptive words. Introduces the concept of SHOW, TELL and Don’t TELL We employ various exercises to help the students‘ paint a picture’ in the reader’s mind using sensory language , figurative speech, and answering the 5W&H questions(who, what, where, when, why, and how)

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing focused on the personal narrative and students write paragraphs and stories based on personal experiences. Students learn about the story's Arc(Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Conclusion), which is common to any story. The student is introduced to the writing of STRONG leads using 5 different kinds of HOOKS- to grab the reader’s attention. Narrative writing builds on what was learned in the previous class.

Recount Writing

Recount Writing involves recounting a past event. The story is written in the past tense. The class reviews all elements discussed in the last two classes. Students complete exercises on subject-verb agreement, synonyms and prepositions. We discussusing mind maps to help organize and explore ideas for a story.

Procedural Writing

Procedural writing is writing to explain HOW TO do something-Transition and Sequencing words are explored as is the importance of organizing in chronological order.

Opinion Writing

The final writing style is Opinion and Persuasive writing. We discuss the reasons for having an opinion and the requirements for a successful written ‘argument’. All aspects of the four writing styles were discussed as reminders of effective writing.


Intensive Spring Writing & Grammar
(G6-7 / G8-9 / G10-11)

This is a specially designed course to quickly and efficiently improve student’s grammar and general mechanics of writing. Each class will have writing activities,grammar lectures, and discussions on the general mechanics of writing.


We will begin each class with a short journal writing activity and reading comprehension that will lead into the main focus of the class. The teacher will give personalized feedback and a specific response to each student for these activities, which will greatly aid them with their mechanics of writing.


The bulk of the class will be about 2 different aspects of grammar, with small activities and exercises specially designed to give the students an intensive and effective boost to their writing skills.


The last part of the class will be a short creative writing exercise designed to showcase the skills learnt in the class. This will lead up to a capstone project in the final class.


Every student needs to improve some aspect of writing, be it their grammar, word tenses, or how to use figurative language effectively. Even with considerable effort students need a little push to boost their writing effectively. This course is designed to do just that. There won’t be much reading, only writing. We encourage the students to write as creatively and imaginatively as possible, as long as they show us the grammar they are learning in class. 

History and English Literature AP Booster

AP booster classes are specially designed to give students the key skills and knowledge needed to pass the AP exams. They are intensive courses that teach students the right ways and the wrong ways to answer questions in the tests.We make sure to show the students exactly how the exams are formed and how to find the information to answer the questions properly.We also provide past years' exam paper training, time management and simulation tests.

We recommend these classes for students preparing for an exam because they are intensive and the students need some background in the subject.

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New Horizons建立于2006年,为在上海的国际学校学生提供丰富的课外辅导和补充课程。我们的课程范围包括:

G3-G10年级学生的 English Language Arts课程,Writing课程,Reading课程,以及时事和辩论课程,美国/世界历史课程,大学申请训练营。



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